


 The general objective is to allow academics and researchers, professionals in development, political decision makers and regional integration actors and intellectuals re-evaluate the concept of development 50 years after the Independences and all review its economic, social, cultural and political implications in Africa. To this end, it is necessary first of all to clarify the concept, its meaning, forms, and mode of operation by drawing on the theoretical frame of reference and practical experiences in Africa and the world.


The Symposium is expected to allow for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and indeed cross disciplinary small study groups and research groups to be formed around issues of development and sub-regional integration with a view to:

i)       Helping decision makers through open discussions on all issues capable of promoting development in an international setting beset with doubt and risk;

ii)     Facilitate the use of research outcomes in decision making,

iii)   Contribute to putting in place a regional think tank with the involvement of the Diaspora to further enlighten decision making and promote integration as a lever for development.